
Coming to the decision to get a divorce from your spouse is not an easy one, and it is often filled with a lot of pain and emotional conflict. But sometimes divorce is what is best for all parties involved, even the children. At the Law Firm Of Dykeman & Rosenthal, we have successfully represented numerous clients who have made the choice to get a divorce, and we can apply our experience, knowledge and resources to your case.


Contested Divorce


A contested divorce is the most complicated type of divorce and happens when former spouses cannot come to an agreement about one or more aspects involving the divorce. This can be anything from child custody issues to spousal support and the division of marital property. Each issue that is contested must be handled separately in court, and this causes divorce proceedings drag and it takes much longer for the divorce to become final.


Uncontested Divorce


An uncontested divorce in Kentucky is the most simple type of divorce to have, where the former spouses agree on all issues, from how to divide the marital property to who has primary legal and physical custody of the children, if there are children involved. This type of divorce typically moves much faster than a contested divorce.


At the Law Firm Of Dykeman & Rosenthal, we have experience in both types of divorce. We will lay out your options for you and give you the legal advice you need to make the decisions that best affect you and your family. Call us today to schedule an appointment for a consultation. We are available to assist you. (859) 745-1700.